From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. September 1. –The enemies to liberty and America, headed by Tom Gage, lately gave a notable specimen of their hatred to the very name of liberty. A party of them, of whom Job Williams was the ringleader, a few…
All posts in A-D
Skirmish on Charlestown Neck
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. July 30. –Last Friday the regulars cut several trees, and were busy all night in throwing up a line, and abbatis in front of it. In the evening orders were given to the York County Riflemen to march down…
Apology for the Young Man in Goal
An Apology for the young Man in Goal, and in Shackles, for ravishing an old Woman of 85 at Whitemarsh, who had only one Eye, and that a red one. Unhappy Youth, that could not longer stay, Till by old Age thy Choice had dy’d away; A few Days more had given to thy Arms,…
To Edward Winslow, Esq, Sheriff of Suffolk County
Boston, March 26, 1737 I now in the behalf of my self and others who assembled as a Mob assure you, That we have done what we think proper; and are of the Opinion, that you had as goods be still & silent, and let alone your Drums and Guns, for we had no Design…
Monday Night, March 24
I have received Letters lately from several considerable Men, earnestly urging me to write on the Subject of Paper-Money; and containing very severe Reflections on some Gentlemen, who are said to be Opposers of that Currency. I must desire to be excus’d if I decline publishing any Thing lent to me at this Juncture, that may…