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The Continental Army: Chapter VI

Professionalism: New Influences From Europe The winter encampment at Valley Forge was an extremely important period in the development of the Continental Army. Despite numerous problems, for the first time in the war the Army enjoyed a winter free from the need to recruit and reorganize most of the regiments. Congress and military leaders used…

Washington and His Comrades: Chapter VIII

The Alliance with France and its Results Washington badly needed aid from Europe, but there every important government was monarchical and it was not easy for a young republic, the child of revolution, to secure an ally. France tingled with joy at American victories and sorrowed at American reverses, but motives were mingled and perhaps…

The Grey Maggot

From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. January 25. –A despicable pamphlet lately published in Boston, now commonly called the “Grey Maggot,” has asserted, “That the only apology which could be made for the conduct of the Continental Congress in adopting the Suffolk resolves, was that…