Gen. Marion to Lieut. Col. Balfour. Santee, March 7, 1781. Sir, I sent Capt. John Postell with a flag to exchange some prisoners, which Capt. Saunders, commandant of Georgetown, had agreed to, but contrary to the law of nations, he has been seized and detained as a prisoner. As I cannot imagine that his conduct…
All posts tagged March 15
Thomas Jefferson to the President of Congress
Posted on Author Thomas JeffersonPosted in 1781-03-15 Guilford Court House, Revolutionary America, Thomas Jefferson
Richmond, March 21, 1781. Sir, The enclosed letter will inform you of the arrival of a British fleet in Chesapeake bay. The extreme negligence of our stationed expresses is no doubt the cause why, as yet, no authentic account has reached us of a general action, which happened on the 15th instant, about a mile…