I have re-organized this section into 6 separate articles to make it a little easier to read and to find information. General Francis Marion’s personal correspondence: 1780 January 1781 February 1781 March 1781 April 1781 May-June 1781
All posts in Brigadier General Francis Marion
Maj. Keating Simons on Gen. Francis Marion
The following letter from Major Keating Simons, was received too late to be inserted either in the body, or in a note to this work, although it contains one of the finest traits of the character of Gen. Marion. — Major Muller and Major Simons acted as brigade majors to the general, and both were…
Dr. Robert Brownfield on the Waxhaw Massacre
From the Appendix of A Sketch of the Life of Brigadier General Francis Marion, and A History of His Brigade by William Dobein James. The following is the letter of Dr. Robert Brownfield to the author, giving a detailed account of the defeat of Buford’s regiment, referred to at page 39. Dear Sir, In obedience…
Francis Marion, Chapter IV, Campaign of 1782
The military history of this year, is not remarkable for any great events; but the most material of these happened in the brigade of Marion. As they are not altogether of a pleasant nature, it appears to have been the wish of many to bury them in oblivion, and therefore some of them have been…
Francis Marion, Chapter III, Campaign of 1781, part 3
Detached Narratives for 1781. There was with Marion’s brigade throughout, a young man, Robert, commonly called Bob James, but oftener, the general’s right hand man. It was known to very few that Marion employed him often to gain intelligence from the enemy in Georgetown and other places. The general never suffered him to mount guard…