Gen. Marion to Capt. John Postell. Goddard’s Plantation,1 Pedee, Jan. 19, 1781. Dear Sir, I send Lieut. King with fifteen men, to reinforce you. I would have all the flats and boats you can collect, loaded with rice, and sent to Mr. Joseph Allston’s plantation, on Bull’s creek, to the north of Pedee, where there is…
All posts tagged January 28
Sufferings of American Prisoners
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. January 19. –General Howe has discharged all the privates, who were prisoners in New York; one-half he sent to the world of spirits for want of food–the other he hath sent to warn their countrymen of the danger of…
Rules for the New England Courant
Vide quam rem agas. To the Author of the New-England Courant. SIR, Seeing your Courant is a Paper which (like the Primitive Christians) begins to be every where spoken against, It is our humble Opinion that it is high Time for you to think of some Method wherein to carry it on without ministring just occasion of Offence…