[The original date of this prayer is unknown. It was found among John Jay’s papers after his death, written in his own hand. The content seems to indicate that it was not written in his old age, so probably sometime before 1800, but that is by no means certain. -THC] Most merciful Father! who desirest…
All posts in Prayers
A Prayer for a Man, convinced that it is his Duty to marry, for Direction in the Choice of a Wife
O Almighty, ever-living God, who, after thou hadst made all things out of nothing, and man after thy own divine image, didst say, “It is not good that man should be alone, I will make him an help meet for him;” look down, O Lord, on the work of thine own hands, and hearken to…
A Prayer for a Poor Negroe
O Righteous Father, who hast made of one blood all nations under heaven, and with whom there is no respect of persons, look down from heaven on me a miserable sinner. And as thou hadst once compassion on the eunuch of the Queen of Candace, a negroe like myself, O Lord, let thy mercy be…
A Prayer for a Person in Want
O All-powerful and gracious God, who didst bring water out of a rock for the children of Israel, and water out of a jaw-bone to sustain a thirsty Samson; who hadst compassion upon Hagar when she was ready to perish, who sentest ravens to feed Elijah, and dost feed the young ravens who daily call…