O All-powerful and gracious God, who didst bring water out of a rock for the children of Israel, and water out of a jaw-bone to sustain a thirsty Samson; who hadst compassion upon Hagar when she was ready to perish, who sentest ravens to feed Elijah, and dost feed the young ravens who daily call upon thee, behold me, O Lord, who now cry unto thee in great distress.
I confess, O Lord, I am unworthy of the crumbs which fall from any rich man’s table. Wast thou to deal with me according to my deserts, I should now be lifting up my eyes in torments. But in the midst of judgment, remember mercy. Thou, O Lord, art the preserver of the body. Thou hast declared, that godliness has the promise of the life that now is, and that if we seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, food and raiment shall be added unto us. Fulfil these promises in me thy unworthy servant.
I behold the lillies of the field, they toil not, neither do they spin; wilt thou not feed me? Lord, I believe; O help my unbelief! I am ashamed that I have so little faith. Lord Jesus, thou Son of David, I believe that thou wilt help me. Only give me patience to wait till the hour appointed for helping me, is fully come. I know, in thy due time, thou wilt turn my water into wine, and richly supply all my wants. Patently let me tarry thy liesure. Never let me fret against thee, O Lord. Though I am poor, let me not be tempted to steal; but strengthen me, I beseech thee, against Satan’s assaults. Let me know, that man doth not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of thee, My God. Though poor as Lazarus, yet, when I die, let me be carried by angels into Abraham’s bosom. And however thou mayest be pleased to deal with my body, Lord, feed my soul, I beseech thee, with that bread which cometh down from heaven. Though poor in this world, O let me be rich in faith. Suffer me not to stagger at thy promises through unbelief. Let the poverty of my body be a means of humbling my proud heart. O let me not be ashamed of my low estate, since thou, O Lord, didst not disdain to let women minister to thee of their substance, and hadst not where to lay thy head. Help me to sanctify thee my Lord God in my heart, and bring me safe at last to they heavenly kingdom, through Jesus Christ, my only Advocate and Redeemer. Amen.
George Whitefield, from The Works of George Whitefield, published 1771