From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. November 20. –The martial spirit which at present shines forth amongst the inhabitants of New York city, reflects the highest honor upon them, and is at once a proof of their loyalty and gratitude. Ever since the arrival of…
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Captain Emmerick
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. September 25. –To-day, as a party of Captain Emmerick’s new corps of chasseurs were bathing near Kingsbridge, in New York, he suddenly beat to arms, when they, with the greatest spirit imaginable, flew to their firelocks, and appeared naked,…
Cruel Treatment of Negroes
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. The two following advertisements lately appeared, one in the Carolina, and the other in the Virginia newspaper, which show the humanity and great consistency of conduct of the sons of freedom, as the Americans are pleased, in several of…
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. September 11. –We have had a severe time of it to-day. Early in the morning the commander-in-chief receiving intelligence that the British were advancing in two columns from their camp at Kennet Square, made a proper disposition to receive…
Washington’s General Orders
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. September 5. –General Washington, our great and illustrious commander, the prop and glory of this western world, issued this day at Wilmington, the following orders, which cannot too much be admired on account of the virtuous and noble sentiments…