From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. February 26.—Yesterday morning a body of the British, consisting of the 42d and 33d regiments, and the light infantry of the guards, in number about a thousand, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Stirling, attempted to surprise the troops and inhabitants of…
All posts in New Jersey Gazette
Anniversary of French Alliance
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. February 7.—Yesterday being the anniversary of forming the alliance between France and the United States, the honorable the Congress at Philadelphia gave a public entertainment to his Excellency the Minister Plenipotentiary of his Most Christian Majesty, at which the…
British Descent into New Jersey
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. February 10.—Last Tuesday, about three o’clock in the morning, a party of the new levies from Staten Island went into Woodbridge, New Jersey, and marched up into the town, undiscovered, to the house of Charles Jackson, in which there…
Count D’Estaing
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. November 9.—The family of the Count D’Estaing is very ancient, and the only one in France allowed to bear the king’s arms, with a small distinction denoting a subject. It has enjoyed this extraordinary honor for near eight hundred…
British Army at New York
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. The British army is now arrived at New York from Philadelphia; some little time ago they arrived at Philadelphia from New York. How finely, says a correspondent, are the charges sunk. From Philadelphia to New York, to Long Island,…