Richmond, January 18, 1781. Gentlemen, I enclose you a Resolution of Assembly, directing your conduct as to the navigation of the Mississippi. The loss of powder lately sustained by us (about five tons), together with the quantities sent on to the southward, have reduced our stock very low indeed. We lent to Congress, in the…
All posts in Letters
Jefferson to His Excellency Gen Washington
Richmond, January 10, 1781. Sir, It may seem odd, considering the important events which have taken place in this State within the course of ten days, that I should not have transmitted an account of them to your Excellency; but such has been their extraordinary rapidity, and such the unremitted attention they have required from…
Frances Marion, Personal Correspondence, 1780
Gen. Lincoln to Lieut. Col. Marion, at Sheldon. Head Quarters, Charleston, Jan. 31, 1780. Sir,The state of affairs is such as to make it necessary that we draw our force to a point as much and as soon as possible. No troops will be kept in the field except two hundred light infantry and the…
Jefferson to His Excellency Gen Washington
Richmond, December 15, 1780. Sir, I had the honor of writing to your Excellency on the subject of an expedition contemplated by this State, against the British post at Detroit, and of receiving your answer of October the 10th. Since the date of my letter, the face of things has so far changed, as to…
Jefferson to His Excellency Gen Washington
Richmond, November 3, 1780. Sir, Since I had the honor of writing to your Excellency, on the 25th ultimo, the enemy have withdrawn their forces from the north side of James river, and have taken post at Portsmouth, which, we learn, they are fortifying. Their highest post is Suffolk, where there is a very narrow…