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There Is No Little Enemy

To David Hartley Philadelphia, Oct. 3, 1775. I wish as ardently as you can do for peace, and should rejoice exceedingly in co-operating with you to that end. But every ship from Britain brings some intelligence of new measures that tend more and more to exasperate; and it seems to me that until you have…

Account of the Devices on the Continental Bills of Credit

To the Printers of the PENNSYLVANIA GAZETTE. GENTLEMEN, No Explanation of the Devices on the Continental Bills of Credit having yet appeared, I send you the following Account of them, with my Conjectures of their Meaning. CLERICUS. An emblematical device, when rightly formed, is said to consist of two parts, a body and a mind,…

Resolutions on Trade Submitted to Congress

Resolved, That from and after the 20th of July 1776 being one full Year after the Day appointed by a late Act of the Parliament of Great Britain for restraining the Trade of the Confederate Colonies, all the Custom-Houses therein (if the said Act be not first repealed) shall be shut up, and all the…

Proposed Articles of Confederation

Articles of Confederation and perpetual Union, entred into by the Delegates of the several Colonies of New Hampshire &c. in general Congress met at Philadelphia, May 10. 1775. Art. I. The Name of the Confederacy shall henceforth be The United Colonies of North America. Art. II. The said United Colonies hereby severally enter into a…

This is a Harder Nut to Crack than They Imagined

To [Joseph Priestley] Dear Friend, Philadelphia, 7th July, 1775. The Congress met at a time when all minds were so exasperated by the perfidy of General Gage, and his attack on the country people, that propositions of attempting an accommodation were not much relished; and it has been with difficulty that we have carried another…