Birth of Gen. Marion. His Ancestry. First Destination of Going to Sea. Voyage to the West Indies and Shipwreck. His settlement in St. John’s, Berkley. Expedition under Governor Lyttleton. A Sketch of the Attack on Fort Moultrie, 1776. And the Campaign of 1779. FRANCIS MARION was born at Winyaw,1 near Georgetown, South Carolina, in the…
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Francis Marion, Introduction
A. S. Salley’s Introduction to the 1948 edition But for an accident General Francis Marion probably would not have been the hero of the Revolution that he became. In June, 1775, the Provincial Congress of South Carolina, the extra-legal body of the revolting people of the province, organized three regiments of regular troops in…
Francis Marion, Contents and Editors Note
Table of Contents Preface Introduction A view of the first settlement of the French Protestants on the Santee. Lawson’s account of them. The ancestors of General Marion emigrate among them. Chapter I Birth of Gen. Marion. His Ancestry. First Destination of Going to Sea. Voyage to the West Indies and Shipwreck. His settlement in St.…
Francis Marion, Preface
William Dobein James ed. by Alan R. Light A Sketch of the Life of Brigadier General Francis Marion, and A History of his Brigade, From its Rise in June, 1780, until Disbanded in December, 1782; With Descriptions of Characters and Scenes, not heretofore published. Containing also, An Appendix, with Copies of Letters which passed between…
James Madison’s First Inaugural Address
Introduction Chief Justice John Marshall administered the oath of office in the Hall of the House of Representatives (now National Statuary Hall). Subsequently the oath by Presidents-elect, with few exceptions, was taken in the House Chamber or in a place of the Capitol associated with the Congress as a whole. The Vice Presidential oath of…