To the Printer of the Public Advertiser. Pax quaeritur Bello. SIR, The very important Controversy being next Tuesday to be finally determined between the Mother Country and their rebellious American Children, I shall think myself happy if I can furnish any Hints that may be of public Utility. There are some Persons besides the Americans…
All posts in Eras
“Homespun’s” Further Defense of Indian Corn
To the PRINTER. JOHN BULL shews in nothing more his great veneration for good eating, and how much he is always thinking of his belly, than in his making it the constant topic of his contempt for other nations, that they do not eat so well as himself. The roast beef of Old England he…
Two Taylors
To the PRINTER. TOM HINT’s virulence against the people of New York, has been in some sort accounted for by himself, in one of his former letters. It seems, tho’ he lived several years in that country, they never extended to him any of that civility they generally shew to strangers. He now tells us,…
On the Tenure of the Manor of East Greenwich
To the PRINTER. I did not think to have given you any farther trouble, having already exprest my sentiments pretty fully, on the impropriety and imprudence of angry reflections on the Americans in the public papers, as more than half the trade of this country is with them; and that trade depends greatly on the…
On the Paving of Chancery Lane
To the PRINTER. By an advertisement in your paper of Wednesday last, I find, “the inhabitants of Chancery-lane are desired to meet at the Crown and Rolls, to consider about new paving the said street.” I hope and pray they may not agree to it. Chancery lane is in every respect so like a Chancery…