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Gov. Livingston’s Proclamation

From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II.  Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. August 25.—Rivington, in the Royal Gazette of this day, republishes1 the following proclamation by Governor Livingston of New Jersey, offering a reward for Ensign Moody and his party, with a counter proclamation from Moody:— Whereas it has been represented…

Proclamation Appointing a Day of Thanksgiving and Prayer

Whereas the Honourable the General Congress, impressed with a grateful sense of the goodness of Almighty God, in blessing the greater part of this extensive continent with plentiful harvests, crowning our arms with repeated successes, conducting us hitherto safely through the perils with which we have been encompassed and manifesting in multiplied instances his divine…

Resolution of the House of Burgesses Designating a Day of Fasting and Prayer

Tuesday, the 24th of May, 14 Geo. III. 1774. This House being deeply impressed with Apprehension of the great Dangers to be derived to British America, from the hostile Invasion of the City of Boston, in our Sister Colony of Massachusetts Bay, whose Commerce and Harbour are on the 1st Day of June next to…

The Virginia Resolves

1. Resolved, that the first adventurers and settlers of His Majesty’s colony and dominion of Virginia brought with them and transmitted to their posterity, and all other His Majesty’s subjects since inhabiting in this His Majesty’s said colony, all the liberties, privileges, franchises, and immunities that have at any time been held, enjoyed, and possessed…

Petition of the Council and House of Representatives of Massachusetts

The petition of the Council and House of Representatives of his Majesty’s Province of Massachusetts Bay, Most humbly showeth: That the Act passed in the last session of Parliament, entitled ” An act for granting certain duties in the British colonies and plantations in America,” etc., must necessarily bring many burdens upon the inhabitants of…