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Thomas Jefferson to General Horatio Gates

Richmond, February 17, 1781. Dear General, The situation of affairs here and in Carolina is such as must shortly turn up important events, one way or the other. By letter from General Greene, dated Guilford Court House, February the 10th, I learn that Lord Cornwallis, rendered furious by the affair of the Cowpens and the…

Arnold’s Expedition to Virginia

From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II.  Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. January 31.—This morning, his Majesty’s ship Iris arrived at New York from the Chesapeake, with the following account of the proceedings of the British forces in Virginia, under Brigadier-General Arnold:—”The fleet having been separated by a hard gale of…

Oliver Lawrence and Col. Delancey

From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II.  Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. In the late excursion, which General Parsons made to Morrisania, Major Oliver Lawrence being detached with a reconnoitring party under the command of Colonel Grey, accidentally met with Colonel James Delancey, who taking the major for one of his…

Arnold in Virginia

From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II.  Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. January 13.—A correspondent gives the following narrative of the late incursion made by the British under Arnold, to Richmond, in Virginia:—” On the 31st of December last, a letter from a private gentleman to General Nelson, reached Richmond, notifying…

Frances Marion, Personal Correspondence, Jan. 1781

Gen. Marion to Capt. John Postell. Goddard’s Plantation,1 Pedee, Jan. 19, 1781. Dear Sir, I send Lieut. King with fifteen men, to reinforce you. I would have all the flats and boats you can collect, loaded with rice, and sent to Mr. Joseph Allston’s plantation, on Bull’s creek, to the north of Pedee, where there is…