An Apology for the young Man in Goal, and in Shackles, for ravishing an old Woman of 85 at Whitemarsh, who had only one Eye, and that a red one. Unhappy Youth, that could not longer stay, Till by old Age thy Choice had dy’d away; A few Days more had given to thy Arms,…
All posts by Benjamin Franklin
Reading Jonathan Edwards
To Jane Mecom Dearest Sister Jenny Philada. July 28. 1743 I took your Admonition very kindly, and was far from being offended at you for it. If I say any thing about it to you, ’tis only to rectify some wrong Opinions you seem to have entertain’d of me, and that I do only because…
A Proposal for Promoting Useful Knowledge Among the British Plantations in America
The English are possess’d of a long Tract of Continent, from Nova Scotia to Georgia, extending North and South thro’ different Climates, having different Soils, producing different Plants, Mines and Minerals, and capable of different Improvements, Manufactures, &c. The first Drudgery of Settling new Colonies, which confines the Attention of People to mere Necessaries, is…
Obituary of James Merrewether
On Sunday last died after a short Illness, JAMES MERREWETHER, a Person somewhat obscure, and of an unpromising Appearance, but esteem’d by those few who enjoy’d an Intimacy with him, to be one of the honestest, best, and wisest Men in Philadelphia. The Pennsylvania Gazette, April 22, 1742
The Obituary of Andrew Hamilton
On the 4th Instant, died ANDREW HAMILTON, Esq; and was the next Day inter’d atBush-Hill, his Country Seat. His Corps was attended to the Grave by a great Number of his Friends, deeply affected with their own, but more with their Country’s Loss. He lived not without Enemies: For, as he was himself open and…