From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859.
June 5.—The last accounts from Philadelphia are, that the transports with the baggage have fallen down the river—that the British have begun to destroy some of their outworks— that they have broken off the trunnions of the heavy cannon which are not put on board, and that the whole army is ordered to be in readiness to march at a minute’s warning.
A flag came out from the city yesterday, with a packet for Congress, containing the acts for appointing commissioners and other purposes. The commissioners are Lord Carlisle, Governor Johnston, and William Eden, Esquire. There was also a letter from General Clinton to his Excellency General Washington, proposing an exchange of the prisoners who are in Philadelphia, the others to remain until a cartel is settled. The British officer informed General Lee, who received him, that the British intended to leave Philadelphia soon, and that he had permission to mention it.
The commissioners mentioned in the above arrived at Philadelphia on Sunday morning last. Lord Cornwallis also arrived at the same time, but without troops.1
1 Extract of a letter from Valley Forge, in the New Jersey Gazette, June 10.