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English View of Ticonderoga

From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859.

Early this morning the people of Liverpool, in England, received the account of General Burgoyne and his brave forces having taken the fortress of Ticonderoga from the provincials, a place fortified so well both by art and nature as to imprint an idea in the minds of many that it was impregnable. But what task is too hard, what dangers so great, or what obstacles too difficult for British seamen and soldiers to surmount at any time, but more especially when commanded by a Howe or a Burgoyne? This welcome news diffused a universal joy through all ranks of people. And in celebration of this glorious event, colors were displayed on the public buildings and on the ships in the docks and harbor. The bells rang, the cannon planted on the batteries, and in other parts of the town, were, at intervals, discharged; at noon, the invalids quartered there, were drawn up before the Exchange, and fired three volleys, by way of feu de joie, and this evening skyrockets and other fireworks have been exhibited.1


1 Gaine’s Mercury, October 18.

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