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Sir Joseph York at the Hague

From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859.

June 17. –A memorial was lately transmitted from England to Sir Joseph York, at the Hague, to be presented to the States-General. The memorial complains of the conduct of the States for permitting the Americans to be supplied, through the means of their subjects, with such warlike stores as have been prohibited by proclamation. Sir Joseph York delivered the memorial to the monthly president of the assembly, who, after laying it before the assembly, returned to the ante-chamber, in which Sir Joseph was waiting. Sir Joseph requested an answer. The president informed him that the memorial was then under consideration. Sir Joseph wished the assembly to be informed “that unless a categorical answer was returned to the memorial, he should quit the Hague immediately.” The president delivered this message to the assembly, and soon returned with the following retort:

“I am desired by the States-General to acquaint your excellency that there are not any gates to the Hague.”

A gentleman just returned from making the tour of France, says: –“From Dunkirk to Brest, from thence to Bordeaux to Bayonne, then through Toulouse to Marseilles, and lastly, through Lyons and Dijon to Paris, I met neither men nor women, in high or low stations, but were friends to the Americans.”1


1 Pennsylvania Evening Post, June 17.

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