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British at Phillip’s Manor

From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859.

November 13. –Yesterday the British decamped from Dobb’s ferry, and marched as far as Phillip’s manor, (five miles from King’s Bridge,) where they halted and pitched their tents. They seem to be bending their course towards York Island, and it is apprehended they mean to attack Fort Washington. Yesterday we reinforced the garrison at that place with five hundred men, and we hope it is very tenable. Deserters inform us that they are resolved to take it this campaign, if they are obliged to invest it with their whole army. The three ships which went up the North River a few days ago, have fallen down within three miles of Fort Lee, and will push by the first fair wind.

Last night we went a Tory hunting with a party of fifty men, but the birds had flown before we arrived. However, we were repaid by a sight of the enemy’s encampment, whose fires being very numerous and greatly extended, exhibited a delightful appearance.1


1 Pennsylvania Journal, Nov. 20.

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