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Traitor Executed

From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859.

June 28. –This forenoon, was executed in a field between the Colonels M’Dougall and Huntington’s camp, near the Bowry-lane, New York, in the presence of near twenty thousand spectators, a soldier belonging to his Excellency General Washington’s guards, for mutiny and conspiracy; being one of those who formed, and was soon to have put in execution, that horrid plot of assassinating the staff officers, blowing up the magazines and securing the passes of the town, on the arrival of the hungry ministerial myrmidons. It is hoped the remainder of those miscreants, now in our possession, will meet with a punishment adequate to their crimes.1

During the execution, Kip the moon-curser, suddenly sank down and expired instantly.2


1 Pennsylvania Evening Post, July 2.
2 Gywn’s letter to Colonel Crafts.

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