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“Old Lies Renewed”

Rumors of press warrants, foreign mercenaries, and snipers hired to suppress the rebellion in America.From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859.

April 19. –By a late arrival from England we have the following, which are but the old lies renewed: –Government proposes to have in America, in the spring, foreign troops, consisting of Hessians, Brunswickers, Hanoverians, and Waldeckers, seventeen thousand; British troops, sixteen thousand. Press warrants are sent out to Admiral Greaves, to press all American seamen. Press warrants are expected to be issued out soon, as the captains of all the outward bound ships have been very solicitous to procure protections. Orders have been sent to Plymouth for all the guard-ships there to take on board their full complement of men, as in time of war. Orders have been sent to all the outposts to be very cautious and strict in examining all persons and vessels, &c., that may be judged the least suspicious. Orders are given for a quantity of beef and pork, sufficient for ten ships of the line for six months, to be got ready as soon as possible.

A compact was lately signed between the court and three Northern powers, by which the latter have stipulated to furnish Great Britain between them, with 60,000 troops, the better to enable the latter to carry on the continental war. Government have sent over to Germany to engage 1,000 men called Jagers, people brought up to the use of the rifle barrel guns in boar hunting. They are amazingly expert. Every petty prince who hath forests, keeps a number of them, and they are allowed to take apprentices, by which means they are a numerous body of people. These men are intended to act in the next campaign in America, and our ministry plume themselves much in the thought of their being a complete match for the American riflemen. 1


1 Constitutional Gazette, April 20 and May 15.

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