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Tryon’s Effigy

From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859.

March 22. –Yesterday, about noon, an effigy was exhibited through the principal parts of New York city, attended by a great concourse of the inhabitants, and others, with the following labels:

“William Tryon, late Governor of this province, but now a professed rebel and traitor to its dearest rights and privileges, as well as to his native country, who, in order to extinguish every spark of American liberty, and recommend himself to the favor of a brutal tyrant, and an insidious court, did illegally, unjustly, and cruelly, shed the blood of an innocent and worthy citizen, when he had the command in North Carolina. 1 For which, and his numberless traitorous practices against the liberties of this country, he is to suffer the just demerits of his atrocious villany, as a warning to all others,

Governor William Tryon hung in effigy. ‘Calm thinking villains, whom no faith can fix,
Of crooked counsels, and dark politics.’

“Secondly. –Behold the bloody tool of a sanguinary despot, who is using his utmost efforts to enslave you!–‘With how secure a brow, and specious form he gilds the secret traitor!’

“Thirdly. –Tories take care!!!”

After it had been sufficiently exposed, it was hung on a gallows, which had been prepared in the middle of the parade, where, after haying received the contempt of an oppressed, insulted, and incensed people, it was cut down and destroyed, the whole being conducted without any manner of injury to any person whatever, unless it was the person who kept the sign of Tryon’s Arms, which were taken down by some of the procession. In one hand of the effigy was placed Tryon’s late address to the inhabitants of this province. 2


1 Thomas Whitehurst, killed in a stamp riot in 1766.
2 Constitutional Gazette, March 23.

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