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Maryland in Motion

From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859.

It appears that the inhabitants of Maryland are all in motion; forming county meetings, choosing committees of observation to carry into effectual execution, without fear, favor, or partiality, the measures recommended by the grand Continental Congress, and forming companies to learn the art military. Anne Arundel county, including the citizens of Annapolis, have resolved that every person who should refuse to contribute to the purchase of arms and ammunition for the use of that county, before the first of this month (Feb.), shall be deemed an enemy to America, and his name published in the Maryland Gazette. The General Assembly of New Jersey have approved of the proceedings of the Continental Congress, and instructed their delegates to propose and agree to every reasonable and constitutional measure for the accommodation of the unhappy differences at present subsisting between the mother country and the colonies. 1

The members of the Philadelphia committee of correspondence deny the rumors reflecting on their patriotism. 2


1 Upcott, iv. 297.

2 Gaines’ Mercury, March 13.

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