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Resolution of the House of Burgesses Designating a Day of Fasting and Prayer

Tuesday, the 24th of May, 14 Geo. III. 1774. This House being deeply impressed with Apprehension of the great Dangers to be derived to British America, from the hostile Invasion of the City of Boston, in our Sister Colony of Massachusetts Bay, whose Commerce and Harbour are on the 1st Day of June next to…

A Method of Humbling Rebellious American Vassals

To the Printer of the Public Advertiser. SIR, Permit me, thro’ the Channel of your Paper, to convey to the Premier, by him to be laid before his Mercenaries, our Constituents, my own Opinion, and that of many of my Brethren, Freeholders of this imperial Kingdom of the most feasible Method of humbling our rebellious…

Flame on New Jersey Rivers

To Joseph Priestley Dear Sir, Craven Street, April 10, 1774. In compliance with your request, I have endeavoured to recollect the circumstances of the American experiments I formerly mentioned to you, of raising a flame on the surface of some waters there. When I passed through New Jersey in 1764, I heard it several times…

An Open Letter to Lord North

For the Public Advertiser. To Lord NORTH. My LORD, All your small Politicians, who are very numerous in the English Nation, from the patriotic Barber to the patriotic Peer, when big with their Schemes for the Good of poor Old England, imagine they have a Right to give Advice to the Minister, and condemn Administration…

A War It Will Be

“A War It Will Be” To the Printer of the Publick Ledger Sir, Nothing can equal the present Rage of our Ministerial Writers against our Brethren in America, who have the Misfortune to be Whigs in a Reign when Whiggism is out of Fashion, who are besides Protestant Dissenters and Lovers of Liberty. One may…