Wednesday, Jan. 16. ’71 I went this Morning to wait on Lord Hillsborough. The Porter at first deny’d his Lordship, on which I left my Name, and drove off. But before the Coach got out of the Square, the Coachman heard a Call, turn’d, and went back to the Door, when the Porter came and…
All posts in 1771
A Prayer for a Man, convinced that it is his Duty to marry, for Direction in the Choice of a Wife
O Almighty, ever-living God, who, after thou hadst made all things out of nothing, and man after thy own divine image, didst say, “It is not good that man should be alone, I will make him an help meet for him;” look down, O Lord, on the work of thine own hands, and hearken to…
A Prayer for a Poor Negroe
O Righteous Father, who hast made of one blood all nations under heaven, and with whom there is no respect of persons, look down from heaven on me a miserable sinner. And as thou hadst once compassion on the eunuch of the Queen of Candace, a negroe like myself, O Lord, let thy mercy be…
A Prayer for a Person in Want
O All-powerful and gracious God, who didst bring water out of a rock for the children of Israel, and water out of a jaw-bone to sustain a thirsty Samson; who hadst compassion upon Hagar when she was ready to perish, who sentest ravens to feed Elijah, and dost feed the young ravens who daily call…