From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. Last Wednesday night [May 9, 1781] a party of Indians, consisting of twenty-five, with two Tory pilots, crossed the river Delaware opposite Minisink, the principal settlement of that country.1 At daybreak they proceeded to the house of Thomas Brink,…
All posts tagged May 9
Battle of Fort Motte
Posted on Author Frank MoorePosted in 1781-05-08 to 05-12 Fort Motte, 1781-05-09 Orangeburgh, Revolutionary America, Women
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. The evacuation of Camden animated the friends of Congress, and daily increased their numbers; while the British posts fell in quick succession. The day after the evacuation, the garrison of Orangeburgh, consisting of seventy British militia and twelve regulars,…
Thomas Jefferson on the Battle of Blandford
Posted on Author Thomas JeffersonPosted in 1781-04-25 Blanford, 1781-04-25 Hobkirk's Hill, Revolutionary America, Thomas Jefferson
To His Excellency General Washington. Richmond, May 9, 1781. Sir, Since the last letter which I had the honor of addressing to your Excellency, the military movements in this State, except a very late one, have scarcely merited communication. The enemy, after leaving Williamsburg, came directly up James river and landed at City Point, being…