From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. July 8.—Lafayette and Wayne are leading the British in Virginia through a very intricate path. The latest operation is that of Wayne, with a handful of Pennsylvanians, frightening the whole of Cornwallis’s army of “undaunted Britons.” The Tories say…
All posts tagged July 6
The Burning of Fairfield
Posted on Author Frank MoorePosted in 1779-07-05 to 07-14 Tryon's Raid, New London Gazette, Revolutionary America, Villains, Women
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol II. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. The British fleet, with the same accursed crew of abandoned, bloody miscreants who left New Haven yesterday [July 6], arrived at Fairfield this afternoon, and continued their plundering and destruction. A correspondent gives the following account of their ravages:—”About…
Declaration of Arms
Preamble A declaration by the representatives of the united colonies of North America, now met in Congress at Philadelphia, setting forth the causes and necessity of their taking up arms. Declaration If it was possible for men, who exercise their reason to believe, that the divine Author of our existence intended a part of the…