The Continental Army: Washington and the Continental Congress Formation of a New England army in the first months after Lexington marked the first phase in the military struggle with England, but even as the regional army gathered before Boston, a significant step in the creation of a national force was being taken in Philadelphia. The…
All posts tagged July 27
The Battle of Camden, Part I
Posted on Author Col. H. L. LandersPosted in 1780-08-16 Camden, Native Americans, Revolutionary America, The Battle of Camden, SC, 1780, Women
PART IAN AMERICAN ARMY ORGANIZED TO RECOVER THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA FROM BRITISH SUBJUGATIONREVIEW OF MILITARY CONDITIONS IN THE UNITED STATES IN 1780The principal battle grounds of the first four years of the War for Independence, waged by the thirteen Colonies against the mother country, were located in the Northern States, following which period,…