(Concerning Dangers From Foreign Force and Influence) For the Independent Journal Saturday, November 10, 1787 To the People of the State of New York: QUEEN ANNE, in her letter of the 1st July, 1706, to the Scotch Parliament, makes some observations on the importance of the UNION then forming between England and Scotland, which merit…
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Federalist No 4, Dangers From Foreign Force, Continued
(Concerning Dangers From Foreign Force and Influence) For the Independent Journal Wednesday, November 7, 1787 To the People of the State of New York: MY LAST paper assigned several reasons why the safety of the people would be best secured by union against the danger it may be exposed to by JUST causes of war…
Federalist No 3, Dangers From Foreign Force, Continued
(Concerning Dangers From Foreign Force and Influence) For the Independent Journal Saturday, November 3, 1787 To the People of the State of New York: IT IS not a new observation that the people of any country (if, like the Americans, intelligent and well informed) seldom adopt and steadily persevere for many years in an erroneous…
Federalist No 2, Concerning Dangers from Foreign Force and Influence
For the Independent Journal Wednesday, October 31, 1787 To the People of the State of New York: WHEN the people of America reflect that they are now called upon to decide a question, which, in its consequences, must prove one of the most important that ever engaged their attention, the propriety of their taking a…
Federalist No 1, General Introduction
For the Independent Journal Saturday, October 27, 1787 To the People of the State of New York: AFTER an unequivocal experience of the inefficacy of the subsisting federal government, you are called upon to deliberate on a new Constitution for the United States of America. The subject speaks its own importance; comprehending in its consequences…