The Pennsylvania Gazette being now to be carry’d on by other Hands, the Reader may expect some Account of the Method we design to proceed in. Upon a View of Chambers‘s great Dictionaries, from whence were taken the Materials of the Universal Instructor in all Arts and Sciences, which usually made the First Part of…
All posts in Periodicals
One Piles a Fidler
And sometime last Week, we are informed, that one Piles a Fidler, with his Wife, were overset in a Canoo near Newtown Creek. The good Man, ’tis said, prudently secur’d his Fiddle, and let his Wife go to the Bottom. The Pennsylvania Gazette, October 16,1729
Monday Night, March 24
I have received Letters lately from several considerable Men, earnestly urging me to write on the Subject of Paper-Money; and containing very severe Reflections on some Gentlemen, who are said to be Opposers of that Currency. I must desire to be excus’d if I decline publishing any Thing lent to me at this Juncture, that may…
Articles of Beliefs and Acts of Religion
IN TWO PARTS. Here will I hold —— If there is a Pow’r above us (And that there is, all Nature cries aloud, Thro’ all her Works), He must delight in Virtue And that which he delights in must be Happy. Cato. PART I. Philada. Nov. 20 1728. First Principles I believe there is one…
The Busy-Body, No. 8
Quid non mortalia Pectora cogis Auri sacra Fames! Virgil. One of the greatest Pleasures an Author can have is certainly the Hearing his Works applauded. The hiding from the World our Names while we publish our Thoughts, is so absolutely necessary to this Self-Gratification, that I hope my Well-wishers will congratulate me on my Escape…