Ver novum, ver jam canorum, vere natus Orbis est: Vere concordant amores, vere nubent alites — Catul. Faelices ter, & amplius, Quos irrupta tenet Copula: nec malis Divulsis Querimoniis Suprema citius solvet amor die. Horat. The happy State of Matrimony is, undoubtedly, the surest and most lasting Foundation of Comfort and Love; the Source of…
All posts in Periodicals
An Unlucky She-Wrestler
We have here an unlucky She-Wrestler who has lately thrown a young Weaver, and broke his Leg, so that tis thought he will not be able to tread the Treadles these two Months. In the mean Time, however, he may employ himself in winding Quills. The Pennsylvania Gazette, July 23, 1730
On that Odd Letter of the Drum
To the Author of the Pennsylvania Gazette. SIR, Burlington, April 27. 1730. As I am your sincere Friend and Well-wisher, it is with a great deal of Pleasure I have observed your prudent Management of the News-Paper, in which, till last Week, there has been no one Thing seen that might justly give Offence either…
Letter of the Drum
To the Publisher of the GAZETTE. SIR, I know well that the Age in which we live, abounds in Spinosists, Hobbists, and most impious Free-Thinkers, who despise Revelation, and treat the most sacred Truths with Ridicule and Contempt: Nay, to such an Height of Iniquity are they arrived, that they not only deny the Existence…
Printer’s Errors
To the Publisher of the Pennsylvania Gazette. Printerum est errare. SIR, As your last Paper was reading in some Company where I was present, these Words were taken Notice of in the Article concerning Governor Belcher, [After which his Excellency, with the Gentlemen trading to New-England, died elegantly at Pontack’s]. The Word died should doubtless…