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Verses on the Virginia Capitol Fire

Mr. Printer, It may entertain the curious and learned Part of your Subscribers, if you give them the following genuine Speech and Address, which, for the Importance of the Subject, Grandeur of Sentiment, and Elegance of Expression, perhaps exceed Any they have hitherto seen. For the Benefit of more common Readers, I have turn’d them,…

Whitefield’s Accounts

Extract of a Letter from the Reverend Mr. Smith, of Charles-Town, South-Carolina,dated March 2. 1746-7. “Mr. WHITEFIELD’s excellent Parts, fine Elocution, and masterly Address; His admirable Talent of opening the Scriptures, and enforcing the most weighty Subjects upon the Conscience; His polite and serious Behaviour; His unaffected and superior Piety; His Prudence, Humility, and Catholick Spirit, are Things which…

Appreciation of George Whitefield

On Sunday the 20th Instant, the Rev. Mr. Whitefield preach’d twice, tho’ apparently much indispos’d, to large Congregations in the New-Building in this City, and the next Day set out for New-York. When we seriously consider how incessantly this faithful Servant (not yet 32 Years old) has, for about 10 Years past, laboured in his great Master’s…

Account of Louisburgh

As the CAPE-BRETON Expedition is at present the Subject of most Conversations, we hope the following Draught (rough as it is, for want of good Engravers here) will be acceptable to our Readers; as it may serve to give them an Idea of the Strength and Situation of the Town now besieged by our Forces, and render…

American Privateers

‘Tis computed that there are and will be before Winter 113 Sail of Privateers at Sea, from the British American Colonies; most of them stout Vessels and abundantly well mann’d. A Naval Force, equal (some say) to that of the Crown of Great-Britain in the Time of Queen Elizabeth. The Pennsylvania Gazette, August 30, 1744