From the New York Packet Friday, December 21, 1787 To the People of the State of New York: IT MAY perhaps be urged that the objects enumerated in the preceding number ought to be provided for by the State governments, under the direction of the Union. But this would be, in reality, an inversion of…
All posts in Periodicals
Federalist No 24, The Powers Necessary to the Common Defense Further Considered
For the Independent Journal Wednesday, December 19, 1787 To the People of the State of New York: TO THE powers proposed to be conferred upon the federal government, in respect to the creation and direction of the national forces, I have met with but one specific objection, which, if I understand it right, is this,…
Federalist No 23, The Necessity of a Government as Energetic…
…as the One Proposed to the Preservation of the Union From the New York Packet Tuesday, December 18, 1787 To the People of the State of New York: THE necessity of a Constitution, at least equally energetic with the one proposed, to the preservation of the Union, is the point at the examination of which…
Federalist No 22, Other Defects, Continued
From the New York Packet Friday, December 14, 1787 To the People of the State of New York: IN ADDITION to the defects already enumerated in the existing federal system, there are others of not less importance, which concur in rendering it altogether unfit for the administration of the affairs of the Union. The want…
Federalist No 21, Other Defects of the Present Confederation
For the Independent Journal Wednesday, December 12, 1787 To the People of the State of New York: HAVING in the three last numbers taken a summary review of the principal circumstances and events which have depicted the genius and fate of other confederate governments, I shall now proceed in the enumeration of the most important…