To the PRINTER. Your correspondent Machiavel tells us, that “Nothing can be a greater burlesque on Patriotism, than the conduct of the Americans, who affect discontent at being taxed, and therefore not only petition and remonstrate, but are continually writing pamphlets, filling news-papers, and consecrating Trees to Liberty; when, at the same time, many of…
All posts in Periodicals
On the Candidacy of Barlow Trecothick
To the PRINTER: I am, Sir, a native of Boston, in New-England, but I do not concern myself in your London election; nor do I believe that any of my countrymen think it of importance to them, whether you choose Alderman T. your representative, or reject him. And yet I hear great clamour, as if…
On Sinecures
To the PRINTER of the GAZETTEER AND NEW DAILY ADVERTISER. Great complaints are every day made, that notwithstanding Great Britain has involved herself in a very heavy debt, for the defence of the American colonies in the late war, that now they refuse to pay any part of this debt. On this subject there has…
On Civil War
To the Printer of the Public Advertiser. SIR, Threescore Years did the oppressed United Provinces maintain a War in Defence of their Liberties against the then powerful Kingdom of Spain, with all the Wealth of the Indies at it’s Command; and finally obliged it to acknowledge their Independency in a formal Treaty, sitting down with…
For the London Chronicle. QUERIES recommended to the Consideration of those Gentlemen who are for vigorous Measures with the AMERICANS. 1. Have the Colonists refused to answer any reasonable requisitions made to their Assemblies by the Mother Country? 2. If they have not refused to grant reasonable aids in the way, which they think consistent…