From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. October 1. –A writer in the London Gazette, in a letter 1 to the lord mayor, says: –I was last week on board the American privateer called the Yankee, commanded by Captain Johnson, and lately brought into this port…
All posts in European
The American Expedition
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. Our political wrongheads, to show themselves frantic, Would extend the excise laws beyond th’ Atlantic; Those they sent were oppos’d with American rage, For a general excise is a General Gage. But though gaging did plainly appear their intentions,…
An Imaginary Speech
To the Printer of the Public Advertiser. SIR, In a late Debate, a certain North British Colonel thought proper to recommend himself to the Court, by grossly abusing the Americans. I send you the Answer I should have made to him had I been present when he uttered his Invective, and I rely upon it,…
A Method of Humbling Rebellious American Vassals
To the Printer of the Public Advertiser. SIR, Permit me, thro’ the Channel of your Paper, to convey to the Premier, by him to be laid before his Mercenaries, our Constituents, my own Opinion, and that of many of my Brethren, Freeholders of this imperial Kingdom of the most feasible Method of humbling our rebellious…
An Open Letter to Lord North
For the Public Advertiser. To Lord NORTH. My LORD, All your small Politicians, who are very numerous in the English Nation, from the patriotic Barber to the patriotic Peer, when big with their Schemes for the Good of poor Old England, imagine they have a Right to give Advice to the Minister, and condemn Administration…