Mero meridie si dixerit illi tenebras esse, credit. There is nothing in which Mankind reproach themselves more than in their Diversity of Opinions. Every Man sets himself above another in his own Opinion, and there are not two Men in the World whose Sentiments are alike in every thing. Hence it comes to pass, that…
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To “Your Honour”
Defense of James Franklin to Samuel Sewall SIR, I am inform’d that your Honour was a leading Man in the late Extraordinary procedure against F —— n the Printer: And inasmuch as it cannot be long before you must appear at Christ‘s enlightned Tribunal, where every Man’s work shall be tryed, I humbly beseech you, in the…
Rules for the New England Courant
Vide quam rem agas. To the Author of the New-England Courant. SIR, Seeing your Courant is a Paper which (like the Primitive Christians) begins to be every where spoken against, It is our humble Opinion that it is high Time for you to think of some Method wherein to carry it on without ministring just occasion of Offence…
Hugo Grim on Silence Dogood
Mr. Couranto, Since Mrs. DOGOOD has kept SILENCE for so long a Time, you have no doubt lost a very valuable Correspondent, and the Publick been depriv’d of many profitable Amusements, for which reason I desire you to convey the following Lines to Her, that so if she be in the Land of the Living we…
Silence Dogood, No. 14
Earum causarum quantu quaeque valeat, videamus. Cicero. To the author of the New England Courant. SIR, It often happens, that the most zealous Advocates for any Cause find themselves disappointed in the first Appearance of Success in the Propagation of their Opinion; and the Disappointment appears unavoidable, when their easy Proselytes too suddenly start…