All Fools have still an Itching to deride; And fain would be upon the laughing Side. Pope. Monsieur Rochefocaut tells us somewhere in his Memoirs, that the Prince of Conde delighted much in Ridicule; and us’d frequently to shut himself up for Half a Day together in his Chamber with a Gentleman that was his…
All posts in American
The Busy-Body, No. 1
Mr. Andrew Bradford, I design this to acquaint you, that I, who have long been one of your Courteous Readers, have lately entertain’d some Thoughts of setting up for an Author my Self; not out of the least Vanity, I assure you, or Desire of showing my Parts, but purely for the Good of my…
Abigail Twitterfield to Honest Doctor JANUS
To assert, That because Posterity is a Blessing, therefore those who want it are cursed, is a meer Platonick Dream. Honest Doctor JANUS, Seeing you have ever manifested a Readiness to assist the fair Sex as there has been Occasion, we flatter our selves that what we have now to offer, will by your next Paper be convey’d…
Timothy Wagstaff to Old Master JANUS
Quo semel est imbuta recens, servabit odorem Testa diu. To old Master JANUS. Sir, The extravagant Notions which some Men entertain from the Influence of Education and Custom, may be thought worth Notice in your Paper, if we consider only, that the Sufferings of its late Publisher were owing in a great measure to his carrying…
High Tide in Boston
Boston, March 4. On Lord’s Day, the 24th past, we were surprized with the extraordinary Heighth of the Tide, which fill’d most of the Streets as well as Cellars near the Water, insomuch that many People living in Drawbridge-Street, Union-Street, and some other Places, were carry’d to their Houses in Canooes, after the Morning Service was…