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Compassion and Regard for the Sick

Mors sola fatetur Quantula sunt hominum corpuscula —— Juv. Post obitum bene facta manent, aeternaq; virtus Non metuit Stygiis nec rapiatur aquis. Among all the innumerable Species of Animals which inhabit the Air, Earth and Water, so exceedingly different in their Production, their Properties, and the Manner of their Existence, and so varied in Form,…

Replies by “Betty Diligent” and “Mercator”

As a Nail sticketh fast between the Joinings of the Stones, so doth Sin stick close between Buying and Selling. Apocrypha. We have received the two following Letters, relating to our Gazette of the 19th past. The first is from a Shopkeeper, and the other from a Merchant. To the Author of the GAZETTE. SIR,…

Lying Shopkeepers

Veritas Luce clarior. A Friend of mine was the other Day cheapening some Trifles at a Shopkeepers, and after a few Words, they agreed on a Price; at the lapping up this Purchase, the Mistress of the Shop told him, People were grown very hard, for she actually lost by every thing she sold: How…

The Earliest New-England Immigrants

Sometime since, the following Lines were found stuck on the outside of the Door of the Council Chamber. Our Fathers pass’d the wide Atlantick Sea, And bless’d themselves when in the Desert Free: And shall their Sons thro’ Treachery and Fear, Give up that Freedom which has cost so dear? Whate’er Pretence our Enemies may…