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An Act for the More Effectual Keeping of the Colonies Dependent

All the Printers of News Papers in the British Colonies, are requested to publish the following Act of Parliament; which it is said, will be passed the End of the present Session, or the Beginning of the next. “An Act for the more effectual keeping of his Majesty’s American Colonies dependent on the Crown of…

On the Candidacy of Barlow Trecothick

To the PRINTER: I am, Sir, a native of Boston, in New-England, but I do not concern myself in your London election; nor do I believe that any of my countrymen think it of importance to them, whether you choose Alderman T. your representative, or reject him. And yet I hear great clamour, as if…

The Frenchman and the Poker

To the PRINTER. It is reported, I know not with what Foundation, that there is an Intention of obliging the Americans to pay for all the Stamps they ought to have used, between the Commencement of the Act, and the Day on which the Repeal takes Place, viz. from the first of November 1765, to…