Friday Night last, a certain St-n-c-tt-r was, it seems, in a fair way of dying the Death of a Nobleman; for being caught Napping with another Man’s Wife, the injur’d Husband took the Advantage of his being so fast asleep, and with a Knife began very diligently to cut off his Head. But the Instrument…
All posts in Pennsylvania Gazette
Apology for Printers
Being frequently censur’d and condemn’d by different Persons for printing Things which they say ought not to be printed, I have sometimes thought it might be necessary to make a standing Apology for my self, and publish it once a Year, to be read upon all Occasions of that Nature. Much Business has hitherto hindered…
English Officials for America
We hear from North-Carolina, That Governor Burrington is arrived there, accompanied by several Gentlemen, who are to have the chief Places of Profit and Trust in that Government. The Pennsylvania Gazette, May 27, 1731
Compassion and Regard for the Sick
Mors sola fatetur Quantula sunt hominum corpuscula —— Juv. Post obitum bene facta manent, aeternaq; virtus Non metuit Stygiis nec rapiatur aquis. Among all the innumerable Species of Animals which inhabit the Air, Earth and Water, so exceedingly different in their Production, their Properties, and the Manner of their Existence, and so varied in Form,…
Replies by “Betty Diligent” and “Mercator”
As a Nail sticketh fast between the Joinings of the Stones, so doth Sin stick close between Buying and Selling. Apocrypha. We have received the two following Letters, relating to our Gazette of the 19th past. The first is from a Shopkeeper, and the other from a Merchant. To the Author of the GAZETTE. SIR,…