From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. May 25. –At a time when tyranny bears fire in one hand, and instruments of death in the other, let us exert every nerve, and, to our utmost, promote justice, equity, and good economy; that by virtue, resolution, and…
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Reconciliation Opposed
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. This is not a time to trifle. Men who know they deserve nothing from their country, and whose hope is on the arm that hath sought to enslave ye, may hold out to you, as Cato 1 hath done,…
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. France declares, she will not assist the American colonies until they dissolve their connection with Great Britain. Should that event take place, France would probably involve England in a war with Germany. America was conquered in that country in…
Boston Evacuated
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. March 17. –This morning the British army in Boston, under General Howe, consisting of upwards of seven thousand men, after suffering an ignominious blockade for many months past, disgracefully quitted all their strongholds in Boston and Charlestown, fled from…
Regulars and Irregulars
From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. The ministry have boasted much of their regular, their disciplined troops, which they fancied capable of beating all the irregulars in the world. One would wonder how men of any attention to what has passed, could deceive themselves into…