From Diary of the American Revolution, Vol I. Compiled by Frank Moore and published in 1859. January 5. –The professorship lately instituted by our most gracious sovereign, at King’s College in New York, is to be held by a tutor of the college, at the same time a clergyman. His business, besides teaching, will be…
All posts in N-O
A Letter from Father Abraham, to His Beloved Son
Dear Isaac, You frequently desire me to give you some Advice, in Writing. There is, perhaps, no other valuable Thing in the World, of which so great a Quantity is given, and so little taken. Men do not generally err in their Conduct so much through Ignorance of their Duty, as thro Inattention to their…
Verses on the Virginia Capitol Fire
Mr. Printer, It may entertain the curious and learned Part of your Subscribers, if you give them the following genuine Speech and Address, which, for the Importance of the Subject, Grandeur of Sentiment, and Elegance of Expression, perhaps exceed Any they have hitherto seen. For the Benefit of more common Readers, I have turn’d them,…
Abigail Twitterfield to Honest Doctor JANUS
To assert, That because Posterity is a Blessing, therefore those who want it are cursed, is a meer Platonick Dream. Honest Doctor JANUS, Seeing you have ever manifested a Readiness to assist the fair Sex as there has been Occasion, we flatter our selves that what we have now to offer, will by your next Paper be convey’d…
Timothy Wagstaff to Old Master JANUS
Quo semel est imbuta recens, servabit odorem Testa diu. To old Master JANUS. Sir, The extravagant Notions which some Men entertain from the Influence of Education and Custom, may be thought worth Notice in your Paper, if we consider only, that the Sufferings of its late Publisher were owing in a great measure to his carrying…