From the New York Packet Friday, January 25, 1788 To the People of the State of New York: A FIFTH class of provisions in favor of the federal authority consists of the following restrictions on the authority of the several States: 1. “No State shall enter into any treaty, alliance, or confederation; grant letters of…
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Federalist No 42, The Powers Conferred by the Constitution Further Considered
From the New York Packet Tuesday, January 22, 1788 To the People of the State of New York: THE SECOND class of powers, lodged in the general government, consists of those which regulate the intercourse with foreign nations, to wit: to make treaties; to send and receive ambassadors, other public ministers, and consuls; to define…
Federalist No 40, On the Powers of the Convention to Form a Mixed Government…
…Examined and Sustained For the New York Packet Friday, January 18, 1788 To the People of the State of New York: THE SECOND point to be examined is, whether the convention were authorized to frame and propose this mixed Constitution. The powers of the convention ought, in strictness, to be determined by an inspection of…
Federalist No 36, Power of Taxation, Continued
From the New York Packet Tuesday, January 8, 1788 To the People of the State of New York: WE HAVE seen that the result of the observations, to which the foregoing number has been principally devoted, is, that from the natural operation of the different interests and views of the various classes of the community,…
Federalist No 29, Concerning the Militia
From the New York Packet Wednesday, January 9, 1788 To the People of the State of New York: THE power of regulating the militia, and of commanding its services in times of insurrection and invasion are natural incidents to the duties of superintending the common defense, and of watching over the internal peace of the…