Richmond, October 22, 1780. Sir, I have this morning received certain information of the arrival of a hostile fleet in our bay, of about sixty sail. The debarkation of some light-horse, in the neighborhood of Portsmouth, seems to indicate that as the first scene of action. We are endeavoring to collect as large a body…
All posts in Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson to His Excellency Gen Washington
Richmond, September 26, 1780. Sir, The enclosed copy of a letter from Lord Cornwallis to Colonel Balfour, was sent me by Governor Rutledge: lest you should not have seen it, I do myself the pleasure of transmitting it, with a letter from General Harrington to General Gates giving information of some late movements of the…
Thomas Jefferson to Gen Edward Stevens
Richmond, September 15, 1780. Sir, I beg leave to trouble you with a private letter, on a little matter of my own, having no acquaintance at camp, with whom I can take that liberty. Among the wagons impressed, for the use of your militia, were two of mine. One of these, I know is safe,…
Thomas Jefferson to Gen Edward Stevens
Richmond, August 4, 1780. Sir, Your several favors of July the 16th, 21st, and 22nd, are now before me. Our smiths are engaged in making five hundred axes and some tomahawks for General Gates. About one hundred of these will go by the wagons now taking in their loads. As these are for the army…
Jefferson to His Excellency Gen Washington
Richmond, July 2, 1780. Sir, I have received from the Committee of Congress, at headquarters, three letters calling for aids of men and provisions. I beg leave to refer you to my letter to them, of this date, on those subjects. I thought it necessary, however, to suggest to you the preparing an arrangement of…