To the Printer of the Public Advertiser. SIR, In a late Debate, a certain North British Colonel thought proper to recommend himself to the Court, by grossly abusing the Americans. I send you the Answer I should have made to him had I been present when he uttered his Invective, and I rely upon it,…
All posts in 4. 1775
A Dialogue Between Britain, France, Spain, Holland, Saxony, and America
Posted on Author Benjamin FranklinPosted in 4. 1775, Benjamin Franklin, Native Americans, Revolutionary America, The Writings of Benjamin Franklin, Vol III: London
Britain Sister of Spain, I have a Favour to ask of you. My Subjects in America are disobedient, and I am about to chastize them. I beg you will not furnish them with any Arms or Ammunition. Spain Have you forgotten, then, that when my Subjects in the Low Countries rebelled against me, you not…