A New Englandman to the Printer of the London Chronicle: A Defense of the Americans To the Printer of the CHRONICLE. SIR, While the public attention is so much turned towards America, every letter from thence that promises new information, is pretty generally read; it seems therefore the more necessary that care should be taken…
All posts in 1. 1757 – 1768
A Letter from Father Abraham, to His Beloved Son
Posted on Author Benjamin FranklinPosted in 1. 1757 - 1768, Benjamin Franklin, Colonial America, New-England Magazine, The Writings of Benjamin Franklin, Vol III: London
Dear Isaac, You frequently desire me to give you some Advice, in Writing. There is, perhaps, no other valuable Thing in the World, of which so great a Quantity is given, and so little taken. Men do not generally err in their Conduct so much through Ignorance of their Duty, as thro Inattention to their…
A Defense of the Quakers and the Pennsylvania Assembly
Some Account of the late Disputes between the Assembly of Pensylvania, and their present Governor William Denny, Esq; In our Magazine, Vol. xxv. p. 87 Vol. xxvi. p. 28. we have given a very particular account of the disputes between the assembly of Pensylvania and the late Governor Morris, which had exactly the same cause,…