To Catharine Ray Dear Katy, Philada. March 4. 1755 Your kind Letter of January 20. is but just come to hand, and I take this first Opportunity of acknowledging the Favour. It gives me great Pleasure to hear that you got home safe and well that Day. I thought too much was hazarded, when I…
All posts in Benjamin Franklin
No Taxation Without Representation
No Taxation Without Representation: Three Letters of 1754 to Governor William Shirley, with a Preface of 1766 To the PRINTER of the LONDON CHRONICLE. SIR, In July 1754, when from the encroachments of the French in America on the lands of the crown, and the interruption they gave to the commerce of this country among…
The Albany Plan of Union
Plan of a Proposed Union of the Several Colonies of Masachusets-bay, New Hampshire, Coneticut, Rhode Island, New York, New Jerseys, Pensilvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, and South Carolina, For their Mutual Defence and Security, and for Extending the British Settlements in North America. That humble Application be made for an Act of the Parliament of…
Join or Die
Friday last an Express arrived here from Major Washington, with Advice, that Mr. Ward, Ensign of Capt. Trent’s Company, was compelled to surrender his small Fort in the Forks of Monongahela to the French, on the 17th past; who fell down from Venango with a Fleet of 360 Battoes and Canoes, upwards of 1000…
Doing Good and Religious Bigots
To Joseph Huey Sir, Philada. June 6. 1753 I received your kind Letter of the 2d Inst. and am glad to hear that you increase in Strength; I hope you will continue mending till you recover your former Health and Firmness. Let me know whether you still use the cold Bath, and what Effect it…