Old Version. New Version, by BF. 1. Our Father which art in Heaven. 1. Heavenly Father, 2. Hallowed be thy Name. 2. May all revere thee, 3. Thy Kingdom come. 3. And become thy dutiful Children and faithful Subjects. 4. Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. 4. May thy Laws…
All posts in Benjamin Franklin
At Present I Almost Despair
To ———— DEAR SIR, London, Nov. 28, 1768. I received your obliging favour of the 12th instant. Your sentiments of the importance of the present dispute between Great Britain and the colonies, appear to me extremely just. There is nothing I wish for more than to see it amicably and equitably settled. But Providence will…
God Governs, and He Is Good
To Mary Stevenson Dear Polley Oct. 28. 1768 I did not receive your Letter of the 26th till I came home late last Night, too late to answer it by the Return of that Post. I see very clearly the Unhappiness of your Situation, and that it does not arise from any Fault in you.…
On Sinecures
To the PRINTER of the GAZETTEER AND NEW DAILY ADVERTISER. Great complaints are every day made, that notwithstanding Great Britain has involved herself in a very heavy debt, for the defence of the American colonies in the late war, that now they refuse to pay any part of this debt. On this subject there has…
On Civil War
To the Printer of the Public Advertiser. SIR, Threescore Years did the oppressed United Provinces maintain a War in Defence of their Liberties against the then powerful Kingdom of Spain, with all the Wealth of the Indies at it’s Command; and finally obliged it to acknowledge their Independency in a formal Treaty, sitting down with…