The Federal Constitution Part II This cause of inferiority results from the nature of things, but it is not the only one; the second in importance is as follows: Sovereignty may be defined to be the right of making laws: in France, the King really exercises a portion of the sovereign power, since the laws…
All posts in The Early Republic
Democracy in America I: Chapter VIII, part I
The Federal Constitution Part I I have hitherto considered each State as a separate whole, and I have explained the different springs which the people sets in motion, and the different means of action which it employs. But all the States which I have considered as independent are forced to submit, in certain cases, to…
Democracy in America I: Chapter VII
Political Jurisdiction In The United States Chapter Summary Definition of political jurisdiction – What is understood by political jurisdiction in France, in England, and in the United States – In America the political judge can only pass sentence on public officers – He more frequently passes a sentence of removal from office than a penalty…
Democracy in America I: Chapter VI
Judicial Power In The United States Chapter Summary The Anglo-Americans have retained the characteristics of judicial power which are common to all nations – They have, however, made it a powerful political organ – How – In what the judicial system of the Anglo-Americans differs from that of all other nations – Why the American…
Democracy in America I: Chapter V, part III
Necessity Of Examining The Condition Of The States Before That Of The Union At Large Part III Legislative Power Of The State Division of the Legislative Body into two Houses – Senate – House of Representatives – Different functions of these two Bodies. The legislative power of the State is vested in two assemblies, the…